Sunday, December 16, 2007

Flubber, Flarp, Oobleck

Here are some links to all those great sensory activities.

Oobleck 1
Oobleck 2
Oobleck 3
Oobleck and More
Slime and More

Neat-O Resources

Nobody should have to recreate the wheel. As educators, we are all busy. I sure know I am! I enjoy finding new resources that prove useful in my teaching. I wouldn't be a good colleague if I didn't share them with you, would I?

Cindy's Support
This site has lots of great supports for working with children who are on the Autism Spectrum. I explored this site because there are many links for making visuals. I am a big believer in having visuals in the early childhood classroom, regardless of whether there are children who have a high need for visuals or not. Visuals paired with words are a great way to get children reading.

Mrs. Jones Room
This is a great resource. Some of the items are not appropriate for the students in my room, but there are a wide range of activities here that can be modified to meet your needs!

Professional Development Center In Autism
This is great place to find lots of wonderful classroom resources. Again, these things are helpful regardless of whether you have a student with Autism.

Wellness Ways
This is a great website where you can formulate your own picture recipes!

Parent Educator Websites
This is a great list of some speech pathology information and resources. Again, these are things that would be helpful for you regardless of whether you have a student with a speech need.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Good Teacher Mentoring and Supervising

I currently supervise one teacher assistant. As I said in my last post, I want to move from merely supervising her, to mentoring her. I've also found that I will be taking on a student teacher soon and I want to be a good role model and mentor for this person as well.

I have found some helpful resources on-line and I'd like to share them with you.

On-Line Mentoring This is an article located at the Education World website. There are some links to listservs and teacher chats. I have not utilized these as of yet, but will be checking into them soon.

New Teacher Mentoring This is a resource indicating the "ins" and "outs" of mentoring.

Giving Feedback to Trainee Teachers Although this post was written with the novice ESL teacher in mind, I found it helpful and hope you will too!

TLN Resources There are many wonderful resources here, including a link to the movie, TEACH.

Management Help There are many good resources here, especially if you are working for a nonprofit, like I am.

7 Habits Well, I feel like a broken record here. I continually am talking up the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This is the philosophy that am working at living and managing others by.

More 7 Habits Info This site gives a nice overview of the 7 Habits.

7 Habits Notes This is a site that I visit pretty frequently. It has a great overview of each habit and a section where you can dialog with the person who put this site together.

Great Management This website has lots of tips and articles regarding management.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This I know. . . . .

The jump from an in-home therapist for children with Autism back to a classroom teacher has been an interesting one. I’ve begun to master the delicate dance of doing what the Admin team wants me to do and what is really feasible in one day. Sometimes it’s the same and sometimes it’s drastically different. I’ve learned what teachers on the verge of burn out look like—there are definitely a few where I work. I know that I don’t want to be there and I vow that I will no longer remain in the classroom if I begin to look how those teachers do.

There are a few things that are not working in my room at this point. Calendar time and pretty much most large group activities are challenging for this group. I'm going to be making some major changes. The first is the complete elimination of calender time. It never did quite make sense to me and after a presentation at The NAEYC Conference, I decided that I was going to make the big leap. After all, it really does not make sense to my students and it just seems like a poor excuse for disguising something pretty meaningless to three-year-olds as learning. Instead, I’m going to change my morning circle time to the morning meeting approach, which is a part of the responsive classroom. I got rid of the calendar completely on the 19th and I’ll start the morning meeting aspect on Monday the 26th officially, although I’ll do a trial run tomorrow to see how it goes.

I continue to favor PROCESS art versus the use of projects that all need to look like something. I continue to favor learning being relevant and MEANINGFUL for the children. Not just some random topic my curriculum or administrators say I need to work on this week. Something like dinosaurs. Yes, kids like dinosaurs. But, when are they really going to SEE one? When will they TOUCH one (and I do NOT mean a photocopied picture here, either?!)? If they can't experience in a way that is relevant then I'm not going to bother teaching it. If I can't bring it them or them to it, the topic isn't happening in my room (thank you, Lisa Murphy--you have me an ah-ha!).

The big "thing" I'm learning? Well, I'm learning to have a more specific sense of self as a teacher. I'm starting to want to mentor my staff, not just supervise them (I supervise one TA and a cook). I'm working hard to learn from every day and reflect on my practices in the classroom. Bev Bos (I think) once said something to the extent of, "if this were one of your student's last days on earth, how would he or she remember his or her time with you?" I want make sure that the children who come to my room find joy in school and learning. I want to help parents understand this too.

Every day is an adventure and I continue to learn and grow with every adventure!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

All things story telling

Story telling is VERY important for the young child. Not only does oral story telling help a child develop his or her imagination, it helps develop vocabulary, turn taking, eye-contact, listening skills, and many other skills needed for your child or student to be ready for kindergarten. I'm no real expert in this area, though, so if you really need convincing, take a look here.

Oral Story Telling and Early Childhood
Power of the Story
Turner Learning
Fairy Tales
Children's Songs

An Awesome time at NAEYC!!!

Well, I just returned from the NAEYC Conference. What an awesome experience. I have never been in one place with so many people who care about young children and how young children learn best. I saw many unbelievable presentations and I will link to as many as I can.

The first presentation that I feel compelled to talk about was one by Lisa Murphy, the Ooey Gooey Lady. The presentation that I specifically saw can be found here. If you haven't heard of her, take time to read her stuff. If you are not on board with process art yet (and you SHOULD be), she's got the info that WILL convince you and your administrators that young children REALLY do learn best through play and experience. This is something that I have always believed and it's awesome to have a nationally known presenter with materials and info supporting that belief.

The next presentation that I would like to highlight was given by Bev Bos. Again, this is another early childhood professional that you should know. She is not only entertaining to listen to, she practices what she preaches. She is the director of her own school and she still makes time to run a classroom!!!!! The talk that I was listening to was about the power of story telling. It was wonderful. The handouts from that talk are not posted on Bev's web site yet, but they will be there soon. I'll post them as soon as they are up.

I also heard Dr. Pamela Schiller speak on appropriate math practices for early childhood education. Needless to say, after her talk, I will be slowly fading out counting with the calender and the use of the calender in general during circle time. She was very entertaining and I learned a considerable amount during her presentation.

Finally, I saw Cheri Sheridan, a speaker affiliated with Dr. Becky Bailey, of Conscious Discipline and Kenny Woods present some great songs that will help with daily preschool routines. Unfortunately, the CD is not ready yet, but it will be soon!!!!

A few other things. . . .
My classroom will be participating in a traveling teddy bear. Click here to see where he is at now!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Terrific Transition Songs

Good transitions can cut down on behavior and make any day more successful. I'm working hard to have a whole passel of transition songs or ideas to grab from when needed. I hope you will find these helpful too. If there are some good transition ideas that I have missed, please share and leave a comment!

Transition Songs 1
Transition Songs 2
Transition Songs 3
Transition Songs 4
Transition Songs 5
Transition Songs 6
Transition Songs 7
Transition Songs 8

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Discussion Forums

I am a big fan of networking. I think it's a great way to gain knowledge and ideas. Sometimes it's nice to just be able to vent about a situation or get someone's expertise who isn't directly involved with the situation. Here are some places that I go for ideas and networking.

Head Start Teachers: This is a forum for Head Start teachers to chat about lessons, curriculum, and staying within Head Start regulations.
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Pretty much any lesson plan or theme can be found here. Lots of great stuff! You definitely want to check this one out.
Pro Teacher Discussion Forum: This is another great site!
Head Start Haven: This is another Head Start forum.
Teaching Preschool: Lots of great printable info here!

The first week of school!

This is the first official Head Start week. My new students arrived on Tuesday with their backpacks and boxes of Kleenex. So far, so good! At this point I only have ten children in my room. I MUST have seventeen to get full capacity. I currently have six that are Head Start and child care dual enrollment (so I see them all day) and four that are Head Start only (they leave at noon).

Numbers being low is a not a good thing general Head Start purposes because we need to stay at a certain level of enrollment. However, low numbers mean that I really get to develop a great relationship with my students and I get some great observation notes written. Observation notes are part of how I do my on-going assessments. I've decided that since I'm thinking about writing good observations, I would include some links to help you write excellent observations as well. Enjoy!

Classroom Assessment
Observation Guidelines
PBS Article

A free on-line journal

Wednesday, August 22, 2007