Friday, January 16, 2009

A few resources

I have discovered some wonderful resources that I wanted to share! Some are geared toward parents and others toward teachers, all are useful and interesting (at least in my opinion!). Enjoy and if there is something you think I should address in my blog, leave me a comment!

BAM! Body, Mind, and Child
Body Brain Boogie
Preschool Curriculum--What's In it For Children?
Child Care and Early Education Research


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for alerting your readers to Body, Mind and Child! With the radio program (8- to 12-minute podcasts), I've had the privilege of interviewing top names in the fields of education, child development, play research, the neurosciences, and more. I hope your readers will listen and that they'll join our community at BAM! Street (

Rachie-Babe said...

You're very welcome! I enjoy the work you do, so I feel I must share it!