Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Speaking engagements and Developmental Milestones.

Life has definitely gotten busy over the past few months in regards to my roles with  Head Start and Early Head Start, in addition to teaching at NTC.  I have been in the interview process for an instructor position at another college and still continue to try and push ahead with my doctoral program.  Personally, I'm going through some changes, including a recent engagement.    I'll be honest, it has been hard to balance everything this summer!

With the new school year fast approaching, I wanted to make you all aware of some upcoming trainings I'll be doing either through NTC or various conferences in Wisconsin.  I also wanted to post some links to pages that pertain to developmental milestones.  I hope your first day of class goes well (or if you've been in class all summer, it continues to go well)!  Remember that play is a child's work and don't forget to:

Keep playing,


2010 Speaking Engagements
  • September 25, 2010--Literacy with Preschoolers
  • October 5, 2010--Autism #1
  • October 12, 2010--Autism #2
  • October 14, 2010--NTC ECE book club
  • November 2, 2010--Autism #3
  • November 9, 2010--Autism #4
  • March 17, 2010--Facing the Challenge (Challenging Behavior Training)  
Developmental Milestones
Understanding typical development is an important skill to have in the Early Childhood field.   Here are a few great resources to support you in understanding what typical development looks like.  Remember that all children develope at different rates, however. :-)

Your Child
Baby Center
The Whole Child